Amy Cooper
Gut-Health and IBS Expert
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Amy Cooper BSc (Hons), DipCNM, mBANT, CNHC Amy is a BANT-registered Nutritional Therapist and Wellbeing Coach and since graduating from The College of Naturopathic Medicine has worked in private practise specialising in gut health and chronic fatigue. She is also co-founder of Fatigue Free Futures, a not-for-profit company offering online group support to those with low or no income, suffering with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. Her experience in successfully overcoming her own chronic digestive issues inspired her to help others in a similar position. She is passionate in her work and believes that the body has the power to heal itself given the correct tools and environment. If you'd like to get in touch with Amy to arrange a call please email: amy@rejuvenatehealthandnutrition.co.uk