Expert Portrait

Laila Lewis

Main Specialism: Female Health

Registered Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist, Functional Medicine Practitioner, Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor and Systematic Kinesiologist with over 14 years clinical experience.


Female Health
Fertility and Pregnancy
Thyroid Health
Weight Management
Immune Health
Heart Health
Male Health
Brain Health

Contact Information

Please get in touch for more information

South West


Since graduating from The College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2010, I have helped thousands of clients on their road to optimal health. I take a Functional Medicine approach (having had extensive training with The Institute of Functional Medicine), focusing on addressing the root causes of health problems and re-balancing all bodily systems. I believe emotional health is intrinsically linked to physical health and I therefore often use Systematic Kinesiology to promote emotional balance and release traumas which are blocking recovery. This unique combination of Functional Medicine, Nutrition, Intuitive Eating support and Kinesiology provides my Clients with a 360 degree approach to achieving health and happiness. In addition to running my Gloucestershire clinic, I am a member of London Harley Street’s The Nutrition Coach Team and I'm currently launching a new clinic, Flourishing & Free, specialising in revitalising women in midlife, menopause and beyond. 

I see clients face to face in Cheltenham or online via Zoom. To contact me please email

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